What is the Helliwell system and how much is a “point”?

What is the Helliwell system and how much is a “point”?

The Helliwell System is one of several methods of placing a monetary value on the visual amenity provided by individual trees and/or woodland.

It has been extensively used in court cases, insurance claims and public inquiries to place visual amenity values on individual trees and to a somewhat lesser extent has been used in court to place visual amenity values on woodland.

The basic approach of the Helliwell system is to allocate point scores under a number of different factors such as tree size, life expectancy, suitability to setting etc. These scores are then combined to give an overall comparative score for a tree or woodland. As a further step, it is then possible to attach a value to this point score by use of a monetary conversion factor.

Current Helliwell point values:

From 1st January 2023

Individual Trees:  £46.92

Woodlands: £187.68

To obtain a copy of the current Guidance Note on the Helliwell System (Guidance Note 4) see our Book Shop .

conversionhelliwellmonetary valuepoint value

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